Friday, February 21, 2014

UIE Liquid Chloropyll

Chlorophyll is referred to as the "blood" of plants. It is essential for the process of photosynthesis in plants and found in the leaves of plants. It riches in natural minerals, vitamins, protein, trace elements and micro-nutrients.

The benefits:

1. Cleanse: Detoxes & reduces impurities from our body.

2. Regulate: Balances the hormones, level of acidity & alkalinity in the body.

3. Nourish: Providing nutrients for blood-building to increase the oxygen level and red blood counts. 

The scientific quotes from the Nobel prize recipients:

1. Dr. Alexis Carrel stated that "Cell is immortal". Her research shows the importance of cleansing of toxins in order to remain healthy (1912).

2. Dr. Richard Willstatter, received a Nobel prize for discovering the chemical structure of Chlorophyll, a network of carbon, C, hydrogen, H, nitrogen, N, and oxygen, O, atoms surrounding a single magnesium, Mg, atom (1915). 

3. Dr. Hans Fischer was awarded a Nobel prize for unraveling the chemical structure of hemoglobin, Hb, that is surprisingly almost the same with the chemical structure of hemoglobin (1930).

For more details, please contact us:
012-5510345/ 017-4815455/ 012-4181134/ 013-2562447



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